
Monday, June 4, 2012

The winds of change are blowing...

Life has me a little off kilter lately. Transitions and changes are abounding, decisions are having to be made, and I'm not quite sure of the path I should be following or of the path I want to follow. The past month or so, I've been trying to get out of my head and listen a little more to my heart. I've been looking at what used to be dreams for my life and trying to decide if those are still things I desire and aspire to.

I begin training for my yoga teacher certification in exactly 25 days. I am very excited and a little nervous. Truth be told, I am also hoping for some clarity; being a yoga teacher is one of those dreams I mentioned earlier.

The one thing I do know? The only constant in life is change; so it's onward and upward...moving forward, never looking back; for all of life is a journey and no matter where it takes me, I must believe I'm right where I'm supposed to be.

Something to ruminate on -

Follow your passion, it knows where you should go. Help people. Explore, play, laugh, enjoy. Move more, stress less. Make your own path. Define what success looks like for you, then go after it. Do it now. Collect experiences, not things. Ignore doubters, even when they're in your own head. Nourish your mind and body. Take time out often. Be your own hero. Give yourself permission. Trust your instincts. Build your days around what is important to you. Never stop learning and experimenting.
(this is not mine, I found it on Pinterest)