
Monday, October 1, 2012

This Month...

Fall is upon us. The air is crisp, temperatures have cooled and everywhere you look, you can see vibrant red, orange and yellow leaves beginning to peek out from amongst the green.

As we transition into this new season, take the time to try something you've always wanted to do, but could never find the time for.

School has been so busy the past month, that between work and moving, I haven't had the time to really enjoy my "free time." Yoga has been on the back burner, and I haven't been to the park in weeks. This month, I have decided that I will mindfully make the time to do the things that nourish my soul, mind and body.

I've signed up for Cross-Fit training and am signing up for a pottery class. My decision in signing up for these two activities is two-fold. First, they are both something I am interested in and feel I would enjoy, and by taking part in group activities I enjoy, I will meet people who are also interested and enjoy said activities.

My hope is, that in trying out new things, I'll meet new people and begin to make friends in this new city of mine. As we all know, friendship makes the world a brighter place, and friendship is one thing I am woefully lacking here in New York...so that being said, here's to new experiences and the forging of new friendships.

What have you been trying to find the time for, that you might try this month?

1 comment:

  1. Francise love your idea about taking the time out to do things of interest to you. You inspire me. Maybe this month I will finally visit some of the Smithsonian Musuems in DC.
    Cross Fit is no joke. Let me know how you like it. Enjoy smelling the flower! :)
