
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Oh, life...

Are you really happy or just really comfortable?

This is a question I've been asking myself for months. I've moved back to Virginia, where I have again started teaching; and where I am again finding myself drowning in school related "stuff" and therefore putting all the things I dream of constantly and long to pursue on the back burner.

When I made the decision to leave New York and come back to Virginia; I tried to justify it with:
"Virginia is less expensive." "The pace is less hectic." "I'll have more time to pursue the things that make me happy."

Well, to tell the truth, only one-third of these has turned out to be true; and now I'm kicking myself in the butt, reevaluating my decision and coming to terms with the reason I chose Virginia - it was COMFORTABLE

And now while I watch friends get married and have babies, travel and go on great adventures, I find myself thinking, "I had plans." I was going to move to the West Coast, pursue my art, do some yoga, and really LIVE - and yet, I find where I am is a far cry from where I had planned to be. So what to do now? I'm not entirely sure; and while that is somewhat frustrating and unsettling, I realize it's also okay.

We must get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable for it's that discomfort that propels us into action and forward into the life we've imagined.

Until next time...